on the left. The factories have been designing
ease and comfort into their product lines to suit the American public's desire of a simpler life. The trend away from having to get all dressed up to go out to dinner is having it's effect on the furnishing market.
We are providing you the inspiration to update your spaces at home with the latest in trends. Reframe a few of your favorite photographs on the end table in the living room with a wood in a new finish. Change out a lamp in the Family room, you never liked that one your Mom gave you anyway!
What we like about trends is that you can take from it what you like and what you feel comfortable with. There is no need to do an entire room in matching driftwood pieces!!! That would be entirely too much. Come into Details and look at how we accessorized our vignettes to tie in the freshened coastal summer breezes!
Details of Design
918 Bay Ridge Rd.
Annapolis, Md. 21403