Friday, November 21, 2014

The New 2015 Baltimore Symphony Show House

We are considering doing a room at this years Baltimore symphony Show house in the Guilford section of Baltimore. The design committee has found a lovely Grand Dame of a home that is very stately. Walking up the front walk of the home with the leaves rustling beneath our feet brings flashbacks to a grander time. You can simply imagine how wonderful this house was when it was first built in the early 1900's.
Then reality set in when we entered the home. It has been many many years since this home has seen a lick of paint. Although the architecture is impressive, it is sad to see how dark and depressing the house has become.


The interior of the home was strewn with dull and dusty mahogany furniture bits and pieces and thread bare rugs. The whole feeling that came over us when we, (Corey, Megan, Marie and I ) walked through the space was overwhelming dread. I could tell what everyone was thinking and no one was saying. "WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE!!!"


That being said, I have had time to get myself together and I have said, "Self, would it not be a true transformation? Would it not be fun to be a part of bringing this house back to glory? Would it not be a fun project with lots of camaraderie?"



OK, so now i am torn. It is a very long, hours drive in heavy traffic. We are busy at work trying to keep up with our client's design work.


There are four of us to manage the project, we can spread it out a bit. The committee did give us lots of notice this year before the presentation boards are due. Our last project with the Baltimore Symphony brought in work and publicity.


Oh, my goodness! What do you think? Should we just do it?